Sunday, September 25, 2011

Spring cleaning

I do believe that any house with a craft corner, sewing room, quilting studio or whatever you prefer to call your space, this is the room that works the hardest yet are cleaned thoroughly the least.  Simply because there is always a project or two waiting to be finished which cannot be disturbed quite yet.  Well, my quilting room is no different.

However being on a self imposed quilting ban for the week in an attempt to get my life back on track, I thought now is the time to tackle this room.

I still had a free motion class on Thursday morning but on Friday my sewing room was stripped to the bare minimum.

I was still in bed Saturday morning when DH and one of his employees, trusted old Ernest, arrived to rip the carpet and replace it with laminated flooring.

Just before lunch the floor was done and the men moved back the skeleton furniture and then it was my turn to get up a ladder and down on my knees to give my room a thorough wipe down.  

Early the evening I was back in business!!

Anyone want to bet on who had the cleanest sewing room this weekend?  But this weekend only!!


  1. O Hettie

    Dit is lekker! Ek het ook 'n mat met teels (darem met ondervloerse verhitting vervang. Dit is baie makliker om die vloer skoon te hou!

  2. Your room looks awesome.I wish I had laminate on my floor. I have country blue carpet and it is worn. Not even pretty. Someday it will be changed.Enjoy your new look Chris
